I love bandanas, they can be used for so many different things; tie a bandana around your head for a trendy boho look, sew them together make a huge picnic blanket or you can make an easy no sew pillow.
You just need some pinking shears, 2 bandanas and some stuffing
Place the bandanas on top of each other wrong side facing inwards and cut out a heart shape. Use pinking shears to cut a fringe around the heart shaped bandanas. The fringe pieces should be at least 6.5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. Anything shorter than 6.5 cm long will be difficult to weave and if the fringe is too long, you pillow will be a bit small. Fold the fringe over and make a small slit on the fold. You’ll use the slit to “weave” the edges of the pillow, so the smaller the better.
Turn the the fringe strips up and squish them into a little sausage and then pull them down, through the slit. Tug gently to tighten. Continue weaving the fringe and periodically flip your heart over to make sure you haven’t missed any lonely little fringe pieces – you’ll end up with a wonky heart if you do miss a piece. Leave the last five fringe pieces, stuff the heart and then finish off the pillow by weaving the last few pieces.
Find your favorite snuggle cat and cuddle up with your bandana pillow.
Original article and pictures take http://www.hometalk.com/13601203/easy-no-sew-bandana-heart-pillow site
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